sexta-feira, 16 de maio de 2008

Pinse Karnevalet

Last weekend Carla and I crossed the bridge and went to Copenhagen to watch their carnival. We had such a great time, even though it toke us some minutes to first find the right way and then walk there, but it was worth it. There were many tents in the park (Fælledparken), some with music, some selling clothes or food.
We watched people dancing latin music, capoeira, african dance and the bands Sambanas and Bafo do Mundo. And of course, we danced a lot.

No último fim-de-semana Carla e eu atravessamos a ponte e fomos à Copenhague para assistir o carnaval dinamarquês. Apesar de termos levado alguns muitos minutos para descobrir em que direção andar e outros para chegar até lá, nos divertimos bastante. Tinha várias tendas no Fælledsparken, onde a festa acontecia. Algumas com música, outras que vendiam roupas e outras, comida.
Assistimos pessoas dançando música latina de todos os tipos, capoeira, dança africana e as bandas Sambanas e Bafo do Mundo. E como não poderia deixar de ser, nos acabamos de dançar.

By Lidi

terça-feira, 13 de maio de 2008

achei super legal e curioso!!

achei na net e achei legal para os bebes!
"A transição para o mundo externo é extremamente traumática para os bebés. Durante nove meses sentiram-se seguros e protegidos, envolvidos pela água dentro do útero materno, e repentinamente tudo isso vai mudar drasticamente quando nascem. Estas mudanças podem representar um grande stress para o recém-nascido, (que chora muito) especialmente nos 5-6 primeiros dias. Para alguns bebés o stress continua por vários meses dando aos pais dias instáveis e noites perturbadas. Um banho diário na Tummy tub traz a segurança do útero materno de volta para o seu bebé. Ao mete-lo na banheira, vai ver o seu bebé que lentamente começa a relaxar, acalma e deixa de chorar. A Tummy tub é leve mesmo quando cheia. Além de facilitar o banho, também protege as costas da mamã, que não deve levantar coisas pesadas após o parto (recomendações dos Fisioterapeutas). Graças a seu formato compacto, a água salpica muito menos para fora comparando com uma banheira convencional. Na Tummy tub, a área de superfície da água é bem reduzida, de modo que a água não esfria tão rapidamente, dando aos pais e ao bebé mais tempo para apreciar o banho. Os pais podem dar banho ao seu bebé em qualquer lugar da casa, porque Tummy tub é fácil de carregar (possui pegas ergonómicas) mesmo quando cheia. A Tummy tub tem sido testada na Alemanha e na Grã-Bretanha. Com o peso do bebé diminuído devido à água e com a pressão que ela exerce, o bebé fica totalmente seguro e firme; O anel de borracha na base do balde garante a estabilidade, o que fornece segurança para os pais e especialmente para o bebé; A Tummy tub foi projectada de modo que se mantenha firme e seguro, sem perigo de virar; O material da banheira é especial e não tóxico; Tummy tub possui o selo de qualidade TÜV da Alemanha. TÜV "PROVEN SAFETY" - Segurança comprovada."
click no link pra ver o video on line:
achei espantoso como o bebe para de chorar quase de imediato!ai,se eu tivesse um desses nos meus tempos!
a href="">

domingo, 11 de maio de 2008

Brazilian Mother's Day!

Today is the second sunday on the month of May. It's my first mother's day! I was woken by my beautiful swedish husband with a delicious breakfast in bed and a bunch of gerberas. They were so marvelous, just as the feeling I got when I first opened my eyes this morning and realized that how magnificent is to be a mother.

My day was beautiful. I have my mom here with me. She came all the way from Brazil just to meet me and our little family. She will stay with us in Buenos Aires for a little while. It was amazing to have her close to me today, to hug her tight and see her sparkling eyes when she looked at me and our baby. We spent the day in a pretty famous market of Buenos Aires, in the area of San Telmo. It's one of the places that I love in this city full of musicians playing in the street and where they sell handcrafts and antiques. We walk around looking and shopping and laughting and just having a lot of fun!

By the way, since today it's the Brazilian Mother's Day, I have a funny story about a messy between the date of Mother's Day in Sweden and Brazil.

It happened exactly 4 years ago and me and Niklas were just beggining our relationship. We were both living in Gothenburg and obviously I was pretty happy to be with my beloved but at the same time I was extremely depressed to be far away from my family and specially my mother. I had checked the calendar two or three days before and after dropping some tears I decided to go out and make a whole big surprise to my mother-in-law (since I didn´t have my mom in Sweden).

I went to the Avenue and bought a beautiful box in tones of blue and patterned with lovely roses. I came home with the box full of little presents like candles, soaps, cards, a recorded cd with brazilian bossa-nova and couple of other little things I tough she would like to get as a Mother's Day present. After that, I went home and when Niklas came from his work I showed him all that and told him about my plans to give that to her as a Mother's Day present.
He was a bit confused with the date, cause he hadn´t seen so much advertisement in the street about that. I was completely sure it was (definately!) Mother's Day on the second sunday of May. So, he believed in all that I said... His friend called and he asked him if he knew about that and if he had prepared something for his mother. His friend was also a bit shocked that he didn´t see any advertisment but well, he also believed in what Niklas said and started to think about what he would do to fix faster a present for his beloved mom.

When it was sunday (the real day) we went out early in the morning and bought couple of flowers. Without calling we took the tram and went straight to Mai-Lis (my mother-in-law) house. We rang the bell and S-U-R-P-R-I-S-E! I had a happy smile on my face, Niklas gave her a tight hug, we showed the flowers and I gave her the box I had prepared as a little gift. I don't need to say that she was really surprised...

- What's all this about, sweet hearts?
- It's Mother's Day, mom!
- Yeah! It's Mother's Day, Mai-Lis!
- Really? Are you sure about that?
- Yeah! Of course I am, at least in Brazil it is...
- Oh! In Brazil?!
- Yeah! What's wrong?! Isn't that here as well?!
- No sweet heart, here in Sweden we celebrate that in the next month...

We sat and laugh for quite a while.

Immediately I remembered about Niklas's friend and "ooops!". What if he had done the same?! I asked Niklas to call him and he ended up saying that he had found out about it on time, so he didn't really do the same thing as us! Bastard! He could have called...
By the way, she loved the presents and the flowers and at the end we all had fun with the whole messy we did. At least she was definately surprised!!!

I wish all the best for all the mothers and mothers-to-be of the Community and to ilustrate a little bit the topic I will post a picture of me and my little angel.

PS. Tomorrow, as the best present of them all, I'm going to the Obstetrician (does it exist, folks?!) and if everything is fine I will listen to my baby's heart!
And I will finally get the paper to make the morfological ecography where I will, apart of having one whole hour looking at him/her on the screen I will also get to know if it's my prince or princess. Any sugestion?!